Friday, October 12, 2012

Niagara Falls in Fall

The famous tourist destination is almost perfect in Fall - the water roars, mist still drops on your face but the lines are smaller and the trees have a lot of colour. I just returned from a mini vacation in the Niagara Falls area, both on the Canadian and the American side of the Niagara Gorge, and it was a nice getaway. More things were still open on the Canadian side but booze is plentiful and cheap on the American side - so it was kind of a nice balance.
The Skylon Tower, on the right, is a great place to take photos of the fall. Dinosaurs and volcanoes are at the outdoor Dinosaur Adventure Golf course. See more of the Falls area after the jump.

Niagara Skywheel Ferris Wheel at night as the volcano blows

Funicular inclined railway near the casino
Niagara Gorge

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