Sunday, October 14, 2012

#Toronto Waterfront Marathon

In 2012 the waterfront comes to the runners as the day Marathon, Half-Marathon and the 5k runs will be drenched from above with rain in the forecast all day. Still, the preparations continued on Saturday for the Sunday October event. The stages and barriers for the start/finish line went up on Bay Street across from the City Hall and Nathan Phillips Square as the road closures started to impact the city.
The start and finish line are in the heart of the city and the runners first head north before beginning the run along the lake front. Several neighbourhood cheering and entertainment sites were also being assembled in places like Church-Wellesley Village, Little Asia, The Beach and GreekTown. The 5k race starts at 8am and the marathons start at 8:30am with the course closing at 3pm and the roads re-opened to traffic - so run fast.
On Saturday you could also visit the Running, Health and Fitness Expo at the Direct Energy Centre in Exhibition Place. This is also where runners picked up their packets needed for the race. In the Expo were a number of marathons promoting their races. My favourite is the Santa 5K run in Burlington, Ontario on December 8, 2012.
Ready for the Santa 5K

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