Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Justin Trudeau goes for Leadership

The Canadian political scene heats up with Justin Trudeau's recent announcement that he will run for the leadership of the Liberal Party, bringing him one step closer to his father's (Pierre Elliott Trudeau) role as the Prime Minister of Canada. I found it funny that had a vintage voting station at Yonge-Dundas Square to announce the collection of Canada Voter lists from 1935 to 1980. Their background on the voting station featured  posters for the Liberal Party and "TRUDEAU for a TRUE CANADA". 
They also had a poll where you could vote for famous past PMs that you would like to lead the country. Dressed in period wear were a couple of megaphone wielding promoters drawing attention to the event.
From the candidates website "Justin Trudeau, Member of Parliament for Papineau, kicked off his campaign to become the next leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, citing the need for a strong middle class as key to a healthy Canadian economy and a united Canada. “A thriving middle class provides realistic hope, a ladder of opportunity for those seeking to better their lives. A robust market for business. And a sense of common interest for all,” stated Mr. Trudeau."

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