Sunday, February 19, 2012

Niagara Falls Casino

While the City of #Toronto continues to mull over the idea of a permanent casino, perhaps located in the now closed Ontario Place, we head to Canada's Honeymoon Capital - Niagara Falls, to gamble, Baby! (That's like Austin Powers Baby, not betting a baby, Baby). Winter has been kind to the city located adjacent to the United States, down in the sunny south of Ontario, and there is very little snow or ice there. Just the mist from the falls, the excitement of Clifton Hill "The Street of Fun at Niagara Falls" and the twin casinos, one of which the Drummond Report recommends closing. I think the casino fountain, pictured at top, was used in Angelina Jolie's movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider.

I think this is the international sign for don't pee on the fence

We walk away with tens and tens of dollars, minus the cost of getting there and the parking, but not before we get to see the water tumbling over the falls. No one was crossing the falls on a tightrope although Nik Wallenda has received approval and hopes to go in late summer 2012. I would choose that time as well, crossing in winter would be a lonely journey.
Maybe Toronto will get a casino it can call it's own, not that temporary operation that opens as part of the annual Canadian National Exhibition CNE entertainment. Now if we could get Toronto a big waterfall we would be almost perfect, maybe we can do something over at the Scarborough Bluffs. See more photos after the jump.

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