Monday, February 27, 2012

Toronto Taxi Protest

The horns weren't playing Flight of the Bumblebee, but a hornet was stirred up as dozens of cabs blocked traffic on Queen Street West in front of #Toronto City Hall and pounded on their horns. The taxis started lining up along the southbound lanes of Bay Street and wound around the westbound lanes of Queen Street West.

My YouTube video of the protest

As the double parked drivers got out to protest the two tier licensing system they blocked traffic, even as the Toronto Police Department was at the tail end of the cabs starting the process of towing away vehicles. The morning protest quickly dispersed just after noontime as the drivers got back into their cabs and started the symphony of angry horns.
The tiers involve Ambassador and Standard Plates. Many want to turn the Ambassador plates into Standard plates as the Ambassador plates limit the driver to the owner and the plates cannot be sold, instead they must be returned to the City.
Towing a taxi on Bay Street
Taxi cabs head out to pick up some fares and leave the protest behind

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