Friday, February 10, 2012

New 2012 IndyCar Chassis at Canadian Motorsports Expo

Honda Indy #Toronto VP & GM Charlie Johnstone joined IndyCar Director of Engine Development Trevor Knowles (photo above) introduced the new IZOD IndyCar DW12 Chassis at the Inside Track Canadian Motorsports Expo (CME) on Friday Feb 10, 2012.
Charlie Johnstone

Trevor discussed the new lighter, faster and safer IndyCar that will be used starting in March and will make it's appearance at the Honda Indy Toronto. The entire race car has been redeveloped as a spec car to improve safety and reduce costs. Weight has been reduced along with drag while the driver has more room and more padding. The big change visually is the molding around the rear wheels.

The 2.2L V6 engine has gone from being just Honda to a choice of Honda, Chevrolet and Lotus with single or double turbocharge running on Sunoco E85 fuel in place of the Ethanol fuel - which is closer to gas station fuel. The engines only last for 1850 miles so teams will need about five engines per season!
The Honda Indy Toronto is coming to Toronto July 6-8, 2012.

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