Monday, April 04, 2011

April is STD Awareness Month

Keep your eyes open people - you don't want to step on an STD, be aware people, always aware. Please folks, there is a serious problem with STDs - Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and April is STD Awareness Month and you should GYT (Get Yourself Tested).

The numbers and statistics blur and, like many bad things, you feel that it won't happen to you, BUT, if you have unprotected sex you are rolling the dice. Losing means a sexually transmitted disease that may possibly kill you and that you could pass on to others.
Glow in the dark necklace at mini golf - to illustrate the glow in the dark thing, you know.

Like Barney from 'How I met your mother' says "suit up" and keep it safe out there. It looks like the graffiti on the Guvernment night club needs a condom (picture at top of post). You can even go to the Condom Shack on Queen Street West for a great selection of rubbers including the glow in the dark and flavored models (and maybe a few other toys while you are there - remember, the Panda doesn't judge).

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