Sunday, April 10, 2011

Go Leafs Go

The Toronto Maple Leafs maybe out of playoff contention, but for many of the hockey team's fans this is nothing new. There is still time to take pleasure in going to the game, downing a few ice cold beers and cheering on the lovable losers. A pair of guys in stretchy blue outfits, from the toes to the head, walked towards the Air Canada Centre - sponsored by Highway 407 ETR.
Hockey fans walk by the Hockey Hall of Fame on their way to the ACC

The Maple Leafs played a game against the Montreal Canadians at the Air Canada Centre Saturday, April 9, 2011 and lost 4-1. The small blue man group must be more blue watching the loss, which I didn't think possible; poor blue, blue men.

Seen at the Spring Motorcycle Show

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