Thursday, April 07, 2011

Jungle at the bus stop

I knew spring was here but I was not prepared for the urban jungle that had grown around the TTC bus stop at the Dundas and Yonge intersection at the Eaton Centre. There must be a little more radiation in the air lately or maybe they were magical seeds.
Someone must have thought that this was the real deal because he was walking around in shorts - he looked to pasty white to have been a zombie so I am not really sure what the heck was going on with the show off - now that's a Canadian.
Across the street in the Yonge-Dundas Square there was the finals of the Great Canadian Appathon 2011. The goal was to develop a great mobile game in a limited amount of time and the winners took home a share of $45,000 in winnings.  Here is Super Punch team holding an oversize $25,000 prize cheque.
I saw a couple of free range Red Bull vehicles in the square, they are like CityTV, they are everywhere. Red Bull, still not as good as Dr Pepper Cherry!

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