Sunday, October 06, 2013

Nuit Blanche Renegade Parade 2013: KIGURUMI STAMPEDE

Les Rues des Refuses comes back to #Toronto with the Rothko Institute and Nuit Blanche Animal Control Renegade Parade. The lead vehicle carried the mobile sound system and a smoke machine that led hundreds of party animals in a free STAMPEDE themed parade which started at 7:01 pm on Saturday, October 5 at the ROM Crystal. Participants were encourage to dress up in kigurumi or any sort of animal costume.
The DJ lineup had Cynex, Dynamic, Flyboy, Freedom Danish, JD Mack, Rolls Royce and Used. The rallying call was be respectful and to make sure that all that is left of the party is footprints and bone-shaking bass. The costumes and the energy make the parade really fun to watch.
"The Parade is a free participatory procession of people, music, and art that anyone can join in on! It’s a spectacle, mobile party, and awesome way to explore Nuit Blanche as our adventure takes us around downtown, visiting major art installations."

See more of the Renegade Parade after the jump.

See previous raves on the following links

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