Monday, October 21, 2013

Catch a nap in the Pod Hotel

@Breathe_Right Canada has just set up a tube hotel in the #Toronto Financial District (@MyTOFD). The big blue pipes were stacked on top of each other and each held a mattress and pillow. It looks like it should be a bachelor condo and Smart Car parking spot in a primo location at Bay and Wellington Streets - probably set you back $1.2mil.

The hotel will be on site at the Royal Bank Plaza this week and open for 20 minute naps from 11am to 7pm.
Breathe Right strips open your nasal passage and help you stop snoring so you can get a more restful sleep. They ask 'can you increase your productivity with the power of sleep?' I guess if you don't get enough sleep you will need a nap during the day, thus the pod hotel idea was borrowed from Japan and used to illustrate the benefit of Breathe Right. Plus you can pick up a free sample of the nasal strip.

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