Monday, October 14, 2013

Early Fall at Rockwood Conservation Area

Fall foliage continue its takeover of the Greater #Toronto Area forests and parks. The onslaught continues with muted colors from what I have seen - very little bright oranges and reds with a lot of yellows and dying leaves. Along the Niagara Escarpment there are so many parks and waterfalls to visit to keep up with the colour changes while enjoying a nice fall day in nature.

Grand River Conservation Authority operates the Rockwood Conservation Area which has hiking trails, a sandy beach, waterfalls, Eromosa River canoe rentals, the ruins of an 1847 mill and other recreational and camping opportunities. The limestone cliffs rise in a white chalky colour high above the water and along the trails with some caves ready for exploring while the limestone along the trails has been eroded in certain areas leaving ancient potholes of various sizes and depths. The park is located on Highway 7 in Rockwood, Ontario and you can see in the pictures why it is also a great place for family or wedding photos.
Looking out of a cave feeling like a neanderthal

See more of nature after the jump.

A lot of the park has cedar or pine trees which stay green all year
A tiny pond covered in green crossed by fallen trees

Down by the boat rental canoes which is beside the sandy beach

The grey limestone cliffs are pockmarked with small and large crevasses
Eramosa River looks very clear as it goes over a small rock waterfall

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