Friday, October 04, 2013

Nuit Blanche and Les Rues Des Refuses 2013 this Saturday

Update: See Nuit Blanche 2013 photos and Renegade Rave photos.

@sbnuitblancheTO hits #Toronto like a lead balloon this weekend. Thousands upon thousands of people will wander the streets for all hours of the night to take in the art installations that will leave you happy or confused and sometimes both. The important part of the night is to get out into the city and really explore all these nooks and crannys while you mingle with your neighbours. The adventure itself is worth a lot more than the price of admission, which don’t forget, is free. Toronto really is transformed during Scotiabank Nuit Blanche.
Saturday, October 5, 2013 from 6:51 pm to 7 am (sunset to sunrise, or from can’t see to can see) the eighth annual all night art event will have over 110 projects by almost 500 artist liberally sprinkled over three distinct areas exhibition areas. With all the exhibitions and independent projects you really need to plan ahead to know where to go – and you need backup plans if lineups become to formidable. Some of the installations are already visible – Ai Weiwei’s Forever Bicycles ( at Nathan Phillips Square took weeks to put up the over 3,000 bikes and the chair mountain called Garden Tower in Toronto ( has also been available for viewing for some time now at Metropolitan United Church.
The colourful Plastic Bags, 2001 sculpture made of thousands of plastic bags now hangs in the atrium at 483 Bay Street (Bell Trinity Square) and is pictured in this post.
Morpheous Bondage Extravaganza

For further excitement the Rue des Refuses returns to the fray after a break with 49 events, including the widely popular Nuit Blanche Renegade Parade 2013 which starts at 7:01 pm at the ROM (Bloor and Avenue). Check out their website for some must see events for the more adventurous ( Their motto is that an event cannot be in the official nuit blanche program – after that, big or small, it can be included in their guide. (

Posted by James and Joe Hamilton.

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