Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Have a seat @sbnuitblancheTO 2013

Movements of dining room tectonic plates caused a massive upheaval of kitchen chairs which now rises high in #Toronto. Mountaineers are currently studying the mountain to determine if it can be ascended with the help of Sherpas, from my vantage point it looks a bit taller than the CN Tower, though I could be off in my calculations by a few hundred metres, give or take.
Garden Tower in Toronto 2013
The installation by Tadashi Kawamata of Japan is part of the upcoming Scotiabank nuit blanche all night art event which takes place this weekend. The chair will remain in front of the Metropolitan United Church at Queen Street East and Church St until October 14, 2013. Tadashi says this of his work, “As if each person who sat on these chairs left a piece of himself, the work evokes the beautiful and utopian aspects of the myth of Babel Tower: a humanity speaking with one voice and engaged, with solidarity, in the building of a better future.”

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