Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Years in #Toronto Chinatown

Lions danced in the streets for Chinese New Year in the heart of Toronto's Chinatown on Spadina Avenue. The two lions moved their way down the street, dancing in front of stores, preceded by large banners and followed by a drums and large crowds.
In the malls and stores there were some people in traditional dress and many lanterns hanging in walls of vibrant red colour. On shelves golden cats waved their paw in the air, back and forth.

A golden dragon

See more information after the jump.

Winking Japanese noodle girl

"Chinese New Year Celebration: Celebrate the Year of Dragon in Chinatown. Date: Jan 28 & 29, 12pm-6pm. Location: Chinatown Centre (222 Spadina Avenue, Toronto) & Dragon City (280 Spadina Avenue, Toronto) Open free to Public. Event detail: lion dance, New Year Market, live entertainment, cultural & contemporary performances, and lucky draw. 

The Chinese New Year Celebration hosted by Chinatown BIA is open to general public, and is fun for families and children to enjoy an afternoon of cultural performances, shop at our New Year market, and receive Red Envelope from our Fortune of God. Join us in Chinatown and see the lions visit every stores in Downtown Chinatown to wish storeowners Happy New Year! Chinatown BIA welcomes you to Toronto Downtown Chinatown in 2012 Chinese New Year!"

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