Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Happy Face and No Bicycles

The Eaton Centre is a magnet for weird and wonderful things found in our fair city, things that are sometimes pedestrian and sometimes fantastic. The cold weather keeps away a lot of the buskers who must surely be on the streets at some warmer location but I managed to find a chalk happy face drawn on the base of a light standard along Queen Street West. It definitely wouldn't make it as Yorkville graffiti but I smiled when I saw it.
This was joined by a slightly askew tree guard, guarding a tree that no longer existed, filled to the brim with garbage that likely accumulated during the New Years Eve extravaganza at Nathan Phillips Square. The iron guard had a sign that said 'No Bicycles Allowed. Will Be Removed, Management.' The sign also had a sticker of a Native American.

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1 comment:

Tiffany said...

your blog is great! I really love looking at all your photos..I am also from Toronto :D

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