Thursday, January 19, 2012

Occupy Toronto Jan 2012 at City Hall

The Occupy #Toronto movement is once again active with a small encampment of approximately ten tents just to the west of #Toronto City Hall near Osgoode Hall and the Courthouse (Provincial lands, not municipal property). They had started setting up the protest location on Tuesday and I thought they might have been forced out when I heard plenty of sirens in the area, but they were still there, enjoying the small amount of snow that was starting to turn the ground white.

I had seen the picture of the group and noticed Gregory Alan Elliott’s blue covered wagon in the group of tents. It is still there, long lasting and sturdy because it was built with election signs which are designed to last longer than the reign of a politician that ordered the signs. No police are visible in the area and the protesters seem to be in a good mood, patiently waiting for the system to change and also trying to keep warm. Approximately ten of them were out and about over the lunch hour, politely greeting pedestrians as they walked between the tents.
A local rag reports that the group have been given a verbal warning to leave they are apparently awaiting written notice of eviction. The group had decided to support the other protesters that were upset over Mayor Rob Ford’s proposed budget cuts and have now outlived that demonstration. I certainly did not think that they would be out in the cold unless they were protesting the cold (which I may do anyway), but Canadians can be very determined.

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