Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair

The world's largest indoor agricultural and equestrian show is currently in the Direct Energy Centre and the Ricoh Coliseum within Exhibition Place from November 1-10, 2013. Also known as The Royal Fair, the 91st edition is a smorgasbord of agricultural, food and equine experiences with four new features including the President's Choice Animal Theatre, aMAZEing food journey, the Pizza Pizza petting farm and the Ag-tivity area. Of course the rabbit jumping demonstrations and the Jack Russell races are sure to be crowd favourites.

"THE ROYAL HORSE SHOW: tradition and prestige combine with athletic rigour and family entertainment to highlight the best in national and international equestrian sport, featuring:
The 48th Highlanders, who will open the horse show Friday evening, November 1– who doesn’t love bagpipes? "
Tiny corns

Posted by Joe Hamilton. More pictures after the jump.

Prize vegetables
Butter carvings

Shorn sheep show off some sweet sweaters

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