Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Protest Against Rob Ford at #Toronto City Hall

Hundreds of people have gathered in Nathan Phillips Square to protest the embattled Mayor after his admitted use of hard drugs and the existence of the smoking video as well as a number of other issues. The Wednesday, November 6, 2013 noon time protest focused on two main issues - the lies and the drug use.
Chalk writing has sprung up along the elevated pedestrian walkway and the concrete slabs of the square. Several bicycle police wait at the entrance to the municipal headquarters while pedestrian traffic and access to the building continue uninterrupted. A couple of witty participants were handing out cups of free gravy to the crowd but had few takers.

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1 comment:

Roy Schulze said...

Hey James. I was searching for Rob Ford graffiti this morning and was very surprised to discover a photo of me. I'm the yellow-jacketed vandal in the fourth photo, and I want everyone to know that I brought my own chalk.

Doors Open

Scarborough Bluffs





Lake Ontario

Nathan Phillips Square
