Tuesday, January 01, 2013

#Toronto Polar Bear Dip 2013

Wind Chill cut to the bone as people took off their clothes and got ready to swim at the #TOPolarBearClub in the cold, cold water of Lake Ontario. The annual January 1st run into the water at Sunnyside Park was a popular holiday event for many.

Before the brave mad dash into the lake the swimmers gather their courage with friends, family and the many supporters who came by to witness the running of the dippers.
Right after the New Years Party

The shark team

See more photos of the crowd and the swim after the jump.

Albertans don't get cold

The swimmers are let into the starting area
Wrestlers get ready for the plunge
Toronto Maple Leafs capture the Stanley Cup

After the swim and a wardrobe malfunction friends gather together to celebrate their achievement

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