Monday, January 14, 2013

Ryerson University Street Fair

Checkers and chess games were taking place on the pedestrian only portion of Gould Street at Ryerson University as part of the start of a Winter Week of Welcome beginning January 14, 2013. A week of free all-age events ending January 18 and daily at 5pm.
Sex in the Ram is on the 16th and a mock New Years Eve on the 17th are some of the other activities brought to the campus by the Ryerson Students Union (RSU).
After the jump you can see cool vertical bike stands and the strange plywood patio enclosure that sits, strangely, barren in the street.

The hard part would be to drive up the steep sloped sides and dismount without falling painfully to the ground. They have round, stand alone ones with a row of stands that are placed along the wall.

Waiting for magic vines that will climb to the skies where the giants await

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