Monday, January 21, 2013

Maple Leaf fan zone at Nathan Phillips Square

The #Toronto Maple Leafs home opener happens tonite (Monday, January 21, 2013) and as part of their ‘Passion Unites Us All’ post-lockout tour, the Leafs are paying the costs for skate rental at City Hall beginning at 10 am today. The team will also give away home opener tickets.
The Leafs will ambush three city rinks previously refurbished by the MLSE Team Up Foundation. The ambushes will feature murals, full rink board graphics, Zamboni wraps, giveaways and appearances/autograph opportunities. The outdoor rink at Nathan Phillips Square will also receive the full Leafs treatment and in celebration of the Home Opener, the Maple Leafs will cover the costs of skate rentals on January 21.” And “January 21 - ticket giveaways, Leafs alumni and Marlies appearances and a special Leafs treatment for the rink”
As the long line circles around the square more reporters began to show. The crowd was getting restless as they had started to assemble very early in the morning. Chants of “give us free tickets” filled the air, but I think I heard people say that only 1-5 tickets would be given out.

Balloons and news crews can be found at the Air Canada Centre before game time.

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