Sunday, March 06, 2011

Motorcycles for the bad boys and girls

Those guys with motorcycles have it made with biker chicks that like to raise their tops and who like to wear leather chaps in the warm summer sun. Yes, those guys are bad ass and their bikes are even badder, or madder, whatever is more appropriate. These bikes have scary skulls and spokes in the tires that will cut off your hands if you should happen to stick them in the wheels while they are driving down the road.
Don't forget the 2011 Performance World Custom Car and Truck Show March 11-13, 2011 and coming up very soon will be the Toronto Spring Motorcycle Show on April 9-10, 2011 at the International Centre.
The next Port Dover Friday the 13th motorcycle rally will be Friday, May 13, 2011 so get those bikes shined up and the MILFs ready to roll.

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1 comment:

Buy Pit bikes Online said...

This style of motorcycles are for gang. I usually seen it riding with punk groups. What I like in this style of motorcycles are the artistic design of paints, sketches, and unique style of accessories.

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