Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Pearson Airport Jurassic Dinosaurs

Recently I have been getting lost in the terminals of Toronto's Pearson Airport. One time I got so lost I ended back in the days of the dinosaurs. A big raptor was trying to get a small fry. I wasn't deluded, the dinosaurs were on loan from the Royal Ontario Museum which provided skeleton casts of Jurassic beasts Allosaurus (the big one) and Othnielia (the small herbivore known as lunch meat).
I think that the dinosaurs were real, they had been trapped in the terminal for millions of years trying to find where they are supposed to go - and they forgot where they had parked their car in the damn parking garage (I would hate to see that parking bill). Sheeze, they don't make it easy to find your way around, thank goodness that the staff are trained to spot confused faces and are quick to offer help. 

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