Monday, February 19, 2024

Toronto Beaches Winter Stations 2024

Family Day is back in town and so is the annual art installation Winter Stations along the Woodbine Beach area of Toronto. The public exhibition starts February 19 and features seven winners of the design competition that requires participants to design a temporary installation around the existing utilitarian lifeguard towers.
Nimbus. I thought it was popcorn but it was a storm cloud
The view from inside

The proposals are judged and then the winners will work with the fabrication team to build the winning proposals which will be exhibited for approximately six weeks. Entering the contest is free and so is the exhibition so it is a nice reason to walk around the lake front in the middle of winter.
We Caught A UFO!
There is a lineup to get inside the UFO

For 2024 the theme is Resonance, for memories or moments that have made an impact to the collective narrative. Designers are also asked to provide recommendations for environmentally friendly ways to dispose or recycle the installation at the termination of the exhibition.
A Kaleidoscopic Odyssey
twin kaleidoscopes on the beach
It made great photo opportunities

The winners are; We Caught A UFO! (Croatia and Australia), A Kaleidoscopic Odyssey (Canada), Nimbus (Canada), Making Waves (Canada), Bobbin’ (Canada), Winteraction (Canada and Iran) and Nova (Canada).

Winteraction, without AR
A screenshot of Winteraction with Augmented Reality
Inside NOVA
Making Waves. The crank case is disconnected and the waves don't wave. This installation is off the beach and can be found at Woodbine Park (Queen St E at Northern Dancer Blvd)

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1 comment:

S said...

Really happy to see some bloggers still active. Please advertise your blog more. I just stumbled upon looking for this years stations.

Doors Open

Scarborough Bluffs





Lake Ontario

Nathan Phillips Square
