Saturday, March 05, 2016

Warming Stations in the Beach 2016

Freeze Thaw was the theme of Toronto this winter, now it has extended to the open design competition for the temporary lifeguard stations installations. Walking along the boardwalk, avoiding the crap load of doggies having enjoyable romps in the snow and exploring the whackadoosical Winter Station Designs is a perfect way to spend a sunny day in the big smoke. I believe my favourite design was by Darth Vador - his death-star installation, photo at top, was magnifique!
In the belly of a bear

"This year we are expecting to include up to thirteen lifeguard stands across Balmy, Kew and Ashbridges Bay beaches located in the heart of the Beach community, south of Queen Street East, between Woodbine and Victoria Park Avenues. These utilitarian structures are to be used as the armature for temporary installations which will need to be able to withstand the rigours of Toronto winter weather. The exhibition is to run February 15, 2016 until March 20, 2016."
Winter might have been tougher than I thought because the installation named Lithoform, above, lost all the side panels that covered its plywood shell. The unpredictable side of winter makes it a challenge to design a sturdy station that will survive the wind and blowing snow, yet still engage the public.
Fire Place
I also like the warming stations that have heat, especially a toasty fire for a cold day, while one bus stop looking station was aptly named Sauna.

See more photos after the jump.

Just a regular lifeguard station

The Steam Canoe


Floating Ropes

Aurora Borealis

You can also check out some of the 2015 warming stations on my post here.

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