Monday, March 23, 2015

Winter Stations art installations in the Beach

Approximately 200 submissions were received in the inaugural international design competition to transform some of Toronto's east end lifeguard stations into public art. Located at the foot of Kew Gardens beyond the boardwalk in the sands of Kew Balmy Beach, the installations invites public interaction in an area often ignored in winter and spring unless you are walking a dog. The theme of this competition was Warmth, the size was unlimited and the desire was to add colour, movement and humour to the cold landscape.
The five winning Winter Stations entries were unveiled to the public this February and will stay in place until late March 2015. Ferris and Associates, Curio and RAW Design created the competition to bring more appreciation to our bleak winter landscapes in an otherwise well loved public setting.
"The goal with winter stations is to infuse colour and vibrancy back into the beach community, which is so lively in the summer months, but tends to slow down come winter," says Roland Rom Colthoff, Principal of RAW Design.
The winners were Driftwood Throne by Daniel Madeiros, Sling Swing by Ed Butler, Dan Wiltshire and Frances McGeown, Hot Box by Michaela MacLeod and Nicholas Croft, Wing Back by Timothy Olson and Snow Cone by Lily Jeon and Diana Koncan. My favourite is Snow Cone.
"Although the Beaches neighbourhood of Toronto is a summer long festival of colour and pageantry, this is not true of the winter months. This year we begin what we hope will become an expanded annual celebration of Toronto's winter landscape, focusing on the intersection between land and water. We are beginning with the Kew, Scarborough and Balmy Beaches located in the heart of the Beach community, broadly located south of Queen Street East, between Woodbine and Victoria Park Avenues. Located on the beach between the Leuty Lifeguard Station and the Balmy Beach Club are five evenly spaced metal life guard stands. These utilitarian structures are to be used as the armature or foundation for pieces of public art. The pieces are temporary installations and need to be able to withstand the rigours of Toronto winter weather."
Inside Hot Box

Posted by James Hamilton and Joe Hamilton. See more of the lifeguard stations after the jump.

Wing Back

Standing on an iceberg looking toward the beach
Sling Swing
Driftwood Throne
Snow Cone
Just a cute wet dog

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