Thursday, April 29, 2021

Toronto Winter Stations becoming Spring Stations 2021

Covid lockdowns in Toronto certainly impacted the annual Beaches Winter Stations art installations set around the iconic red lifeguard stations. With summer approaching and beaches opening soon, the lifeguard stations will be used to keep people safe and therefore not available for the installations. You can see my post of the Spring Stations installation here.

From the Winter Stations website, "Winter Stations is a single-stage international design competition held annually in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Participants are tasked with designing temporary winter art installations which incorporate existing lifeguard towers spaced strategically across the city’s Kew and Woodbine beaches. The structures (not in use in the wintertime) must not be ignored in the design and can be used as either an armature for the installations, a central feature, or other- wise linked to the installation. As in previous years, Winter Stations intends to build approximately four winning proposals for a six-week exhibition along the waterfront, funding permitted." ARc de Blob is pictured at top (Winter Stations photo) from iheartblob Austria/UK design team Aleksandra Belitskaja, Ben James and Shaun McCallum.

The theme for Winter Stations 2021 is "refuge" which provides a place to explore and shelter.

With the actual beach life stations off limits and the end of lockdown approaching (hopefully) the organizers have decided to move the four installations elsewhere and call them Spring Stations. From May 21, 2021 to late June the public exhibition will be located within the historic Distillery District (3; ARc de Blob, From Small Beginnings, The Epitonium) and also at 33 Parliament Street (1; THROBBER). Note the start date maybe delayed if the lockdown is extended.

Later in July the ARc de Blob installation will be moved to the Beach Village BIA (with dates and location to be determined) for what will be known as Summer Stations. And they hope to extend the exhibitions to various locations so that more people can safely see the installations.

They hope to return to the beaches in 2022, beginning on Family Day in February. You can see my post of the last time the stations were at the beaches - 2019.

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