Sunday, September 06, 2015

FanExpo 2015

Bring your costumes and a bankroll because Toronto's own Comicon costs a bionic arm and a leg. Buy your tickets ahead of time because otherwise you have to south towards the lake, circle down what I believe is a missile silo, wait in line to purchase your ticket, then squeeze into the south building of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
OMG the crowds and the ticket prices are out of the world - Saturday was $60, Sunday was $45. Wind through the aisles in the south, then head over to the north building for the celebrity signing areas. Cosplay wasn't all that popular as only a small percentage of the people attending the show dress up as their favourite anime, sci-fi, television, video game, comic book or cartoon characters. For cosplay I find that Anime North blows all the other shows away.
It would be nice if their was more room in the aisles so people could stop and check out the booths without blocking the flow of traffic. Maybe they figure if they hit people in the pocketbook more and more then many will stop coming and the crowd will be more manageable.

Posted by Joe Hamilton and James Hamilton.

Toronto Batman was in the hood, sad because his parents are dead, but overall pretty good meeting all his fans
More Zombies

Evilyn13 - alt and cosplay model, host and dj

Dragon Ball Z
Avatar characters

There were a lot of Star War Characters, including the 501st Legion

AT-ST Walker costume

Justin Bieber's Batmobile car, presented by Headrush Apparel, had doors that opened from the front
Dr WHO fans were many, as well as a few Daleks

Keep in mind that the Costume-Con 35 is coming to the Meadowvale Hilton Hotel in Mississauga April 20-24, 2017 'Celebrating 35 years of costumes, creators and craft'.

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