Friday, September 25, 2015

Sukkahville 2015

Who you calling sukkah? Designs by eight finalists, plus a few extras, sit in Nathan Phillips Square confusing visitors, are they art or is it a homeless camp? The international design festival competition features re-imagined concepts for temporary structures used during the Jewish festival of Sukkot. Over 80 designs were submitted by architects, builders and others in related disciplines with some of the plans constructed for display and to determine the winners of Sukkahville.
"While building a Sukkah is a particular Jewish ritual observance, it represents many conceptual themes surrounding the essential nature of dwelling that is universal. Proposing an innovative Sukkah design that balances the dichotomies of new/old, open/closed, temporary/permanent is the challenge inherent in this competition. The winning designs are announced on September 25, 2015, and the festivities continue throughout the weekend including live music, food trucks, a historical tour of The Ward with Editor, John Lorinc, and a featured Sukkah created by Visual Artist, Dan Bergeron at Fauxreel Studios."

You can go into the buildings from September 25-27. See more of the structures after the jump.

plus a re-built Sukkah by the Water
plus the Spiral Sukkah
plus the urban condos

Shelter of Four
Guiding Light
Seek and Hide

Lulav Forest
Desert Veil
Canvas Coccoon
Frame with a wedding party and some zombies

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