Sunday, July 21, 2013

Big on Bloor Festival 2013

Bloordale village closed Bloor Street to vehicles and held a massive street party in #Toronto between Dufferin and Landsdowne. The July 20-21, 2013 weekend event saw 70,000 people walking the street and enjoying the entertainment, activities, vendors and culinary treats lining the route.

Artwork by Sessions, seen also in the photo at top
I could have used the Bike Pirates yesterday - my bicycle chain broke!
Some people carrying bike tires during their stroll along Bloor Street

The children's play area was back again this year and I really think the floating, see through balls the kids climb into are really cool. I didn't see a dunk tank this year so that was a bit disappointing.
Playing in the pool

I like how the street dips and you can look far down the street to see the vast amount of people taking in these local, city-building festivals that celebrate the arts, culture, community and small business. Nestle sponsored the main stage and was giving out little chocolate bars, hmmm, chocolate.

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