Wednesday, June 06, 2012

D-Day Anniversary Commemoration 2012

Old soldiers assembled once again in #Toronto Nathan Phillips Square for the Commemoration of the 68th Anniversary of D-Day. The event also had elements of the Toronto Fire Department and active members of the Canadian Forces in dress uniform. The sun was shining at noon on Wednesday June 6, 2012 as a musical prelude preceded the Parade, Anthem and the D-Day Address and Proclamation. The balance of the afternoon was filled by speakers as well as the Last Post, Two Minutes of Silence, Lament, Reveille, The Act of Remembrance, God Save the Queen and the marching off of the Colour Parties. 
There was also a booth with information on the Memory Project Speakers’ Bureau whose goal is to remember and honour by connecting veterans and members of the Canadian Forces with young people across the country (

Tim Hortons provided complimentary drinks and snacks at the event.

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