Friday, November 26, 2010

I want summer back

Wind, ice, snow, it can't possibly get colder than this! Damn, even today my windows were frozen and I had to get out of my car and actually go into Tim Hortons. It's already time to think back over the gorgeous weather that we had this summer. A seagull flies over a large puddle in the beach, above while below is  a game of volleyball goes on at beach volleyball central - Ashbridges Bay.
Ahhhhh, summer. See more summer pictures after the jump.

The dog days of summer spent hanging down at Cherry Beach, Harbourfront or Queens Quay.

Or maybe even taking your donkey for a walk during Toronto Horse Day.

And who can forget the girls of the Fight Network (seen at the Indy)?

Oh well - time to grab a beer - at Hooters.

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