Saturday, January 19, 2013

Fun things to do in #Toronto May & June 2013

The summer warms up in May and June so as people come out of hibernation and the fun in the city cranks up a couple of degrees. We've got plenty of shows, festivals, events and attractions to keep everyone happy. Some of the highlights are the Toronto Pro Supershow fitness and bodybuilding competitions (above), the World Naked Bike Ride, the CHIN picnic and Pride Week.

World Naked Gardening Day Sat May 4, 2013 (usually first weekend of May, TBD)
Toronto Marathon Sun May 5.
Toronto Comic Arts Festival TCAF Sat and Sun, May 11-12.
Toronto Freedom Festival (Toronto's largest outdoor spring festival) with GMM Sat, May 11 and Freedom Festival both Saturday and Sunday, May 12. Note: No permits means no festival but the march is going ahead on Saturday - gather at high noon at Queen's Park North, march begins at 2pm.
Toronto Roller Derby League.
Anime North Fri to Sun, May 24-26.
Doors Open Toronto Sat to Sun, May 25-26. Chance to see things normally closed to public or attractions with no entrance fee.
Discovery Ontario Centres of Excellence Mon to Tue, May 27-28.
Toronto Pro SuperShow Fri to Sun, May 31 and June 1-2.
Toronto Pro SuperShow Fri to Sun, May 31 and June 1-2.
Sage Fair Sat and Sun, June TBD.
Toronto Youth Shorts Film Festival Sat and Sun, June TBD.
Hope Volleyball Tournament Sat June 8 on Toronto Islands. Charity volleyball bash/tournament.
Woofstock Sat to Sun, June 8-9. Cute dogs in costumes.
Luminato  Fri to Sun, June 14-23. Cool art installations. 
Toronto Roller Derby League Sat June 15 is the Battle for the Boot Championship Game and remember the Clam Slam 2013 is on Fri Jun 28.
North By North East (NXNE) Music Festival Mon to Sun, June 10-16.
Toronto Wine and Spirit Festival Thurs to Sat, June 13-15.
Great Heart Festival Thurs to Sun, June TBD.
Northern Ink Xposure Tattoo Show Thurs to Sun, June 13-16.
Woodbine Beach BBQ and Brews Festival Fri to Sun, June TBD.
Taste of Little Italy Fri to Sun, June 14-16.
World Naked Bike Rid (WNBR) Sat 15 June. Right through downtown Toronto, nude. Meet at Coronation Park by noon, ride begins at 1pm.
Toronto edition of the Global Reddit Meetup in Trinity Bellwoods starting at 2pm.
Toronto Wine & Spirit Festival Jun 13-15 at Sugar Beach.
Roncy Rocks in Roncesvalles Sat Jun 15.
Vinyl Local Sat Jun 15. A record store pop up for vinyl lovers at 2nd Floor Events at 461 King St West.
Bloorville Exotic Cars Sun Jun 16.
MuchMusic Video Awards 2013 Sun Jun 16.
Toronto Mountain Bike Festival Sat June TBD.
Fort York War of 1812 Festival: Commemoration Launch, Declaration of War Sat to Sun, June 15-16.
Battle of Black Creek Re-enactment Sat to Sun, June 15-16.
The Pride Week and Pride Parades Fri to Sun, June 21-30. The parades are things of colour and beauty: Trans March on Friday, Dyke March on Saturday and the Pride Parade on Sunday. The Street Festival on Church St is on during Pride Weekend.
Toronto Jazz Festival Thurs to Sat, June 20-29.
OM T.O. Fri, June 21. Summer Solstice Yoga Classes in the Distillery District.
Dragon Boat Race Sat to Sun, June 22-23.
Toronto Roller Derby League: Clam Slam Friday, June 28. Part of the Pride Celebrations - love the name.
Scotiabank CHIN Picnic on Canada Day weekend - Sat to Mon, June 29 - July 1. Fun in the sun at Exhibition Place. Miss CHIN Bikini Contest Saturday June 29 from noon to 2pm.

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