Monday, January 01, 2024

Dream Machines at Toronto Eaton Centre

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, we love you and we love the eclectic collection of Emett Machines, otherwise known as dream machines by Rowland Emett. The Ontario Science Centre has the world's largest collection of these machines and some of them are on loan to the Toronto Eaton Centre where they are displayed in some of the windows along Yonge Street.

The sculptures have no purpose but art and were made as complicated as possible using regular household materials as necessary. Rowland's art pieces were incorporated into the old timey 1968 movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang with actor Dick Van Dyke playing an inventor that saves a magical car.

This Toronto Eaton Centre display is currently underway for the 2023 holiday season and they come alive every half hour from 10am till 8:30pm.

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