Saturday, July 09, 2016

Wiener Dog Races

Woof, and they're off. They say that on this field of tiny dogs, there are no losers, only wieners! And they were right. Three qualifying heats took place on the Grand River Raceway horse track, three spirited battles between canine athletes so fast, they were hard to see as some pooches weaved from one end of the 20m course to the other, while the fastest made a beeline to the finish line.

The top three dogs from each heat made it into the final race where the top dogs took home prizes and the overall winner a trophy and over $300 dollars in prizes. Wiener Dog Racing started approximately 8pm on Friday, July 8, 2016 (just after the fifth race) with the final race taking place just before 9pm, interspersed between 10 horse races at the Elora OLG slot and race track.
It definitely was crowded as the annual event returned with about thirty dogs taking part in the races. Free parking, free admission and other attractions
Dozer the pig was also interested in the dog racing

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