Saturday, July 30, 2016

Carnival Grand Parade 2016

Toronto Caribbean Carnival brings the bold colours of Masquerade to Exhibition Place and Lake Shore Boulevard on Saturday, July 30 from 10am to 8pm. Fences along the parade route have been lowered from 10 to 4 feet so it should be easier to take photos of the dancers and floats.
"The Grand Parade continues to attract local, regional, national, and international attention by visitors and media as it is the highlight of the three-week Festival. This event continues to draw millions from all over the world to see the live performing street art year after year and on live streaming. After months of preparation, masqueraders in colourful and striking costumes wind their way from the assembly area at Exhibition Place along Lake Shore Boulevard. Admission applies to Exhibition Place where patrons have the opportunity to enjoy the parade of the Mas Bands. Masquerade bands end up in Exhibition Place where masqueraders can party until 8:00 pm. Guest bands, cultural bands and steel bands also participate in the parade. Guest bands start from the staging area within Exhibition Place and wind their way along Lakeshore Boulevard to disperse west of the Boulevard Club. Steel bands stage on Lakeshore Boulevard south of the All Stream Centre and also proceed along Lakeshore Boulevard to the Boulevard Club."
This is the first year without the sponsorship of Scotiabank (they really did bankroll quite a few community events in Toronto) and it was reported that they have a $2 million shortfall when the bank dropped out. The parade will still go on as they continue to scout out corporate sponsorship.

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