Monday, July 25, 2016

Honda Indy Toronto 2016 tear down

The roar by the lakeshore is almost a memory as the last of the barriers, fences and grandstands are being taken down in Exhibition Stadium. It has only been two weeks and the removals are going smoothly, remember it takes over a month to put up the track and all the associated stuff.

Traffic barriers are up in turn 5, the corner where a lot of fuss was made regarding the state of the corner's surface. Looking closely you can see where a temporary thin layer of asphalt was spread over the concrete curbs to make a hump and it couldn't take the pounding of a normal roadway.

The roadway in Exhibition Place is a mixture of surfaces, partly because of the concrete foundations that were placed in the middle of the road for the Sky Ride which takes visitors 12.2m high above the CNE grounds, and partly because it is a typical Canadian road. You could repave the thing today and they would have to cut it tomorrow for some reason - repair watermains, install new underground services, you name it, they will cut it. This is the biggest issue for the drivers - accommodating the changing road surface takes some skill, which they do have! 

IndyCar races on Ovals, Road Courses and Street Courses and streets contain manholes, catchbasins, curbs, streetlights and other municipal plant, both above and below ground. In Toronto even the trees along the main the start line are in planters and are removed every year for the running of the Honda Indy. If they want to make it pretty they could always coat the road with some new tar but this is no reason to move the race out of Toronto.
The bridge is still standing
It takes a lot of steel and concrete to setup the Honda Indy Toronto

See more race photos after the jump.

Winner Will Power talks to his crew in Victory Circle

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