Thursday, May 26, 2016

Balancing in Trinity Bellwoods Park

People try their hand at walking along a tight rope in the popular park in the photo at top. Trinity Bellwoods is full of stuff, besides grass, trees and walking paths, it also has an off leash dog area, a wading pool and children's playground, tennis courts, ball diamonds, volleyball courts and the Trinity Community Recreation Centre.

I remember the first time I really paid attention to the park - it was for the annual Toronto Zombie Walk, where people gathered in the dog bowl before heading out onto the streets searching for brains. You can find a lot of things going on year round in the park such as art in the park, yard sales, and usually the park hosts Luminato and Nuit Blanche installations.

At the north end of the park, near Dundas Street you can see markers showing the long buried Garrison Creek and the gates at 790 Queen Street West were probably the entrance to the former University of Trinity College.
Over the last couple of years the use of the park has exploded in the summer, even without specific events people come to enjoy a lazy day, socialize with their friends and actually play some recreational sports. Someone also tends to put messages up on the tennis court fence and there is one on the north fence now.
'Sending out major love to my baby'
Sticking the tongue out for balance

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