Wednesday, June 04, 2014

WWF Panda at @YDSquare

Fresh oysters from #Toronto oyster bar Starfish were available to sample during the WWF-Canada event to promote sustainable seafood options and upcoming World Oceans Day. The Panda didn't look hungry enough to eat the tasty and slippery oysters.
There was also an oyster shucking contest and some chairs to enjoy the afternoon sun in the square.
"Celebrate upcoming World Oceans Day as Chef Patrick McMurray and WWF President & CEO David Miller discuss Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and Aqua Stewardship Council (ASC) certified products. Chef Patrick will discuss his own sustainable seafood inspired recipes and the importance of purchasing sustainable seafood. There will also be sampling of Patrick’s own sustainable seafood recipes, an oyster shucking competition and other simple pleasures of the beach."
'The ocean is closer than you think'

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