Monday, August 12, 2013

Zip Line and @TreetopTrekking in the GTA

Aerial adventure and excitement can now be found at the @TRCA_Events Heart Lake Conservation Area in the #Toronto area with the opening of the Treetop Trekking at Heart Lake Conservation Area. The three hour tour begins with putting on a safety harness and helmet, then taking part in a safety lesson and game orientation. Below are two of the guides in front of the just above ground level orientation platform and cables. Lessons one to three were always be connected!
The guides were great and doing the harness trust test during orientation was easier than I thought it would be. Once orientation was over the obstacles started climbing ever higher in the canopy of the trees. Steps, logs, stairs, ladders, nets and even a monkey rope were part of the six challenges which increase in difficulty from beginner to expert as the height of the obstacles, called games, also climb. Treetop operates four parks in Ontario, with the Heart Lake eco-adventure course opened to the public on August 1, 2013.
Helmets and harness belts with waited for those about to climb. You can also wear shorts on the adventure and tight gloves are handy but not essential.
James, Ann and Joe getting ready for the climb
On the platform at one of the many smaller zip lines spread throughout the course
The Great Blue Heron zip lines running high over Heart Lake are over 900 feet long. You cross over on one line and come back over a separate line.
The net lines were the most fun to have a partner join in on the climb

"The Aerial Park, when completed, will feature eight courses ranging in difficulty level from beginner to expert, 10 zip lines and over 75 aerial games. The longest zip line is over 900 feet long, the highest zip line is 50 feet above the ground. The highlight of the park is the twin zip lines crossing right over Heart Lake. Aerial games will include things like log bridges, cable traverses, balance logs and Tarzan swings. Treetop Trekking at Heart Lake Conservation Area in Brampton will have activities for anyone aged 9 years old and up with a minimum height of 4'7" tall and a maximum weight of 250lbs. A stand-alone zip line experience will be available for those who do not have the time for the full three hour tour. "This park and specifically the zip lines crossing Heart Lake will be the crowning jewel in our network of parks in Ontario. This will be the experience of a lifetime for guests!" said Jamie Hesser, Treetop Trekking Regional Manager."
Heart Lake Conservation Area has a pool and water park as well as many other attractions for families and large groups. The aerial adventure park is right beside the pool area. Treetop's three other locations are Ganaraska, Huntsville (Deerhurst Restort) and Barrie (Horseshoe Resort).

Joe successfully returns from The Great Blue Heron

See more of our adventure after the jump.

The carabiners had a safety mechanism that prevented them opening by accident
Two people, plus a guide were allowed on platforms. Only one person at a time could climb a ladder and two people can be on one game at a time while only one person could be on a zip line.

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