Riding the waves without the fear of Shark Week with Surfset
Motivating the class during spin training
Jillian Michaels (BODYSHRED) was the show's keynote speaker providing insight into unlocking your unlimited potential and the weekend events include over 400 educational sessions, over 200 world class presenters and over 225,000 square feet on the trade show floor - you need a lot of room when your membership has almost 100,000 members. More than 225 companies joined to showcase their products and services to the attending fitness enthusiasts and professionals. Canfitpro is Canada's largest fitness certification organization and offers education to both the professional and the enthusiast. This exhibition is the world's largest combined fitness conference and trade show in the world. It was hard to keep track of how many types of exercises were represented at the show - yoga, pilates, kickboxing, zumba, cycling, etc along with all the equipment that you could purchase from stationary bikes to step machines, kettlebells and upside down Yoga rigs. Reebok ONE also took advantage of the exhibition for the Canadian launch of their new social app for Fitness Professionals.
People signed the big earth ball
Big blue Reebok exercise balls
Treadmill VW van
'Train not to suck at life' and an upside down 'This is my handstand shirt'
A giant hall was set up for the SWEAT RX Championships
Canadian 67 beer samples
Some well loved kettlebells
The closing ceremonies sponsored by Reebok are scheduled for Sunday, August 18 starting at 11:45 am.
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