Monday, August 05, 2013

Simcoe Day at Old Fort York

The historic #Toronto fort rang with gunfire as muskets shot smoke and flame out long barrels pointed to the sky during celebrations for the first Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, John Graves Simcoe. The entrance was free to the public during the Monday, August 5, 2013 event. John Simcoe founded Fort York and the Town of York - now known as Toronto.
YouTube video of the firing

Our current Lt Governor of Ontario, the Honourable David C. Onley was scheduled to attend to from 1-2pm.

"Come to Fort York on Simcoe Day and enjoy tours, exhibits, musket and cannon demonstrations and fife and drum music, as well as Regency dance demonstrations and historic cooking in the 1826 kitchen. For the military tactical demonstrations, the guard of Fort York will be joined by the Fort George Guard - representing the 41st Regiment of Foot; and The Guard from Old Fort Erie representing The Glengarry Light Infantry."

See more of the soldiers after the jump.

Demonstrations included a flag raising and lowering, a parade run-through with musket firing, a parade for the Lieutenant Governor commemorating the christening of York, a firepower demonstration and a cannon firing.

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