Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Yellow Brick Road to Ryerson

Dorothy must be getting a higher education because the yellow brick road seems to lead to the Yonge and Gould Street campus of Ryerson University. You don't get a heart or courage - you get a brain!
Tomorrow I look for the cowardly lion
School year is just around the corner and Ryerson University will soon begin Orientation and the Week of Welcome. "From Aug. 25 to Sept. 2, Orientation welcomes new students to campus and provides an opportunity to make new friends and learn about everything Ryerson has to offer. The Week of Welcome, Sept. 3-6, picks up from there, allowing returning students to ease into the school year and reacquaint themselves with classmates. Below are some highlights of what to expect those first two weeks and tips on how to make the school year a success. Visit for a full orientation schedule for further information about the Week of Welcome."

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