Wednesday, February 27, 2013

#Toronto International Motorcycle SPRINGSHOW coming

The open road is slightly clogged with snow right now but it will soon be ready for two wheeled fun and in anticipation of the spring riding season we can visit the March 16-17 show at the International Centre. The event, sponsored by Dalton Timmis Insurance, has some of my favourite works of art - custom choppers and show bikes, competing for $20,000 in cash and awards!
Riders, would be riders and peeps that just want to look at the cool bikes will find four halls of motorcycles that will feature gear, new and used bikes, scooters, offroad and vintage bikes and many vendors ready to help you get just the right accessories. Terez Leathers returns for leather fashion shows and racers will be on hand for autograph sessions.
"The Vintage ‘Bikes of the Century’ Display will feature significant bikes from invited clubs & private owners as well as Vincent Motorcycles from the Bar Hodgson Collection including the debut of the rare and legendary Egli-Vincent 'Black Panther'."
The Toronto Motorcycle SPRINGSHOW runs Saturday, March 16th from 10am to 9pm, and Sunday, March 17th from 10am to 5pm. The International Centre is located at 6900 Airport Road. Admission is $18 for adults; $5 for youths under 12, free for children under 6, and parking is free. Visit for more information and to download a $3 off discount coupon.

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1 comment:

averykeith14 said...

Wow, I was really amazed looking at the pictures. I really love the art that painted in the motorcycle. Great.

- Cheng Shin Motorcycle Tires

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