Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Groundhog Day - spring is coming

That fat, fuzzy rodent named Wiarton Willie crawled out of bed on Febrary 2nd and predicted an early end to winter for 2011. Thank god the cute groundhog didn’t see his shadow in the blowing snow otherwise we would have six more weeks of winter – like he did in 2009 and 2010. Instead he almost got hit on the head by a shovel as his handlers told him to get his lazy ass out of bed and start shoveling his burrow.  PS the 55th annual Wiarton Willie Festival is now underway. The extreme blizzard we were supposed to get did not go full steam in the GTA and it started easing up early in the morning. Northwest of the GTA did get a pounding but what else is new?

Even if the little guy is wrong I still like the thought that spring is just a short jump around the corner. We can celebrate spring and summer in style, enjoying the sun, waiting for Honda Indy Toronto and NASCAR to get roaring to life again.

In honour of this strange ritual that we have with an underground dweller (no, not CHUD) I will do a mashup of the top news stories of today. Ontario woman attacked by sharks because schools are closed, Wiarton Willie is a witness. All news, all the time; not necessarily correct.

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