Tuesday, January 25, 2011

McVeigh's Pub

McVeigh's Irish Pub on Richmond St E. and Church St - I wish I could find a beer that big. Is that a Golf Shop way up there?

They have an inexpensive comedy night on Thursdays, check out their facebook page: Stand-up Comedy Hosted by Laura Prosko. Plus....Local, National and International comedians, Celebrity Comedians, Television Hosts, Radio Personalities and more... Every Thursday Night! Doors open at 9pm, Laughs at 9:30pm.

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1 comment:

Helmet said...

Cool cool, if I can find a good auto repair place I will be there this week, if not I will be belated but I will still come out and check it out.

Doors Open

Scarborough Bluffs





Lake Ontario

Nathan Phillips Square
