Saturday, February 23, 2013

Waiting for spring flowers

I don't want winter to go away - just warm up a whole bunch and stop with the white flakes that are all slippery like on the ground. Yeah, if you could just make winter so that it is more like spring, yeah that would be good. Spring flowers can soon be found in the 17th Annual Canada Blooms coming up March 15 to 24, 2013, considerably ahead of the April showers which will bring the real May flowers.
"Ah, Spring! The most awaited for season. After our long Canadian winters, we look forward to the warmth of the sun, and clear days. We shed our layers, feel active, and light hearted. With Spring comes revival, rejuvenation, romanticism, growth, hope, beauty, colour, and gardening, at last! Come explore and celebrate The Magic of Spring at Canada Blooms in March!" — Colomba Fuller, Canada Blooms Artistic Director.
You can find the show at the Direct Energy Centre in Exhibition Place with features like the following.

Acres of gardens.
Lectures and gardening demonstrations.
A floral and horticulture competition.
New plants and products showcase.
Special Children's Areas.
Wine and Cheese testing.

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