Saturday, May 18, 2024

Mad Max Furiosa Wild Boys in Toronto

Toronto baseball fans got their taste of the post-apocalyptic chaos at Roundhouse Park as the upcoming Mad Max saga Furiosa movie held a promotion featuring a couple of wild boys grunting up a storm in front of a metal sign showcasing the movie's name.

You can drop by Roundhouse Park across from the Rogers Centre every day of the Victoria Day long weekend to see the display, meet and pose with some wild boy characters and also get some movie related swag which includes hats, shirts, temporary tattoos, posters and more.

From Warner Brothers Canada media release, "The display will be on-site for the entirety of the long weekend. However, it will only have active brand ambassadors, War Boys, performers, and giveaways between the hours listed. Active Hours: Saturday, May 18 - 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Sunday, May 19 - 12 noon to 5PM and Monday, May 20 - 1pm to 6pm."

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