Friday, May 24, 2024

Garden of the Greek Gods in Exhibition Place

The home of Toronto's Canadian National Exhibtion (CNE) is a pretty big piece of property with lots of nooks and crannies. Back behind the Bandshell is a fountain with a statue dedicated to Universal Peace, just next to the fountain is the Garden of Greek Gods containing 20 sculptures by artist E.B. Cox.

Mr. Cox made the limestone sculptures in the 1960s and they are figures right from Greek mythology like Hercules, Orpheus, Medusa and Hydra (pictured at top).

Hercules stands tall on the right side of the photo
The Three Graces
Garden of the Greek Gods sign

If you look around the grounds in Exhibition Place you can find all sorts of stuff. See more after the jump.
Fountain and statue for Universal Peace
Princess Margaret Fountain

Princes' Gates

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